
DYNA Products とは
Thank you for visiting DYNA Japan. We are proud to be partnered with Northfield in bringing DYNA Firewood processors to Japan. Without Northfield it would not be possible to have proper service and support in Japan.
DYNA Japanをご覧いただきありがとうございます。私たちは、日本でのDYNA 薪製造プロセッサー販売に株式会社ノースフィールドと提携できることを光栄に思います。日本での適切なサービス提供、カスタマーサポートを実現するにはノースフィールドの存在が不可欠です。
We are a small company based in Michigan and serve customers primarily in North America as well as in a handful of countries across the world. We strive to build a product that is easy to use and simple to maintain. DYNA is part of an Amish community in Millington Michigan. We believe in and serve God and do our best to live a Christian lifestyle.
DYNAはミシガン州を拠点とする小さな会社であり、主に北米と世界中のいくつかの国でサービスを提供しています。取扱いが簡単で、メンテナンスしやすい製品づくりを第一に考えています。 DYNAは、ミシガン州にあるMillingtonのアーミッシュコミュニティーに工場があり、神を信じて奉仕し、クリスチャンの生活を送るため最善を尽くすよう日々を過ごしています。
Without the dedication and commitment of our Engineers, Welders, Fabricators, Painters, Sales Consultants, Assemblers, Technology Providers, Electricians, Office Support, Janitors, Purchasing, Quality Control, Safety Officers, Service Consultants, Production Mangers and every person that works for DYNA, our growth and quality would not be possible or sustainable. We all take a hand in producing each and every elite firewood processor.
We are grateful for many wonderful years of serving customers that not only are happy but come home safely to their family every night. I personally believe that coming home to my wife, children and family every night safely is the most important thing I can do during the day.
Helping people perform and succeed provides a depth of satisfaction that is often overlooked. When we make a DYNA Firewood Processor based on the customers need – character is formed. As we work though the spring thaw, hot summer, busy firewood season, or the bitter cold, DYNA stands ready to help families, corporations and charities reach new heights.
I would like to thank Northfield for visiting our factory and being the face of DYNA Japan. They are dedicated to serving our customers and are your best source of information during the process to purchase any of our products. Beginning in 2018 DYNA has redesigned and launched an in-depth training and quality standard for our service and parts department. So, after the sale of each product our team of parts, engineers, and service people are standing by to provide world class support online, over the phone, and in person.
Thank you again for allowing us to serve you and we can’t wait to welcome you to the elite family of DYNA Firewood Processor owners!
The year 1998 was a big year for two young Amish entrepreneurs. Twin brothers, Norman and Nathan Miller put their dreams and wallets to the test and built a brand new shop with a brand new name: DYNA Products. Today, that name has become known, not only throughout the country, but worldwide.
Several years prior to DYNA’s inception, the brothers manufactured specialty log furniture processing equipment in their father’s fence post business, mostly for their own use. However, it wasn’t long until orders poured in. As DYNA’s customer base developed, other markets were pursued including portable log bandmills.
With time, the mid-size firewood processor market called for a quality, value-driven machine. In 2007, DYNA Products stepped in and met that need. Today, DYNA has grown to be a market leader in the industry with well over 1000 processors manufactured. As this product line grew, DYNA sold the portable bandmill line and continued focusing on what they did best: building firewood processors.
The DYNA mission is to build a quality product for a fair price, backed by the best customer support, allowing the customer to reap greater profits in the firewood industry.
1998年 2人のアーミッシュ青年企業家にとって大きな年でした。双子の兄弟であるノーマンとネイサンミラーは、若い力に夢を託して、DYNA Productsという真新しいブランド名のもと、新しい会社を立ち上げました。今日、その名前は、アメリカ全土だけではなく、世界中で知られるようになりました。
時が経つにつれ、中規模の薪製造プロセッサー市場でも、高品質で動力の伝動に価値をもいた製品が求められていました。2007年、DYNA Productsがsの市場に参入し、その要求に答えたのです。今日、DYNAは1000機をはるかに超えるプロッセッサーを製造するマーケットリーダーに成長しまsた。この製造ラインが成長するにつれ、DYNAはポータブルバンドミルラインを売り、薪製造プロセッサーという最も得意とするものの製造に集中し続ける事にしたのです。